This little girl lost her furry best friend and her mom had told her to write a letter to God asking him to watch over her dog, Abbey. She wrote a letter with the help from her mom. They tucked the letter into an envelope along with two photos of Abbey so that God would be able to recognize Heaven’s newest resident. 

They addressed it To: God in Heaven and included the family’s return address before dropping it off at the post office. 

The family found a mysterious envelope on their doorstep one day, addressed to the little girl. Inside the envelope was a copy of a book called When A Pet Dies. Taped to the inside front cover was the letter the little girl and mom had written to God. Someone had taped one of the two photos of Abbey the dog. There was also a handwritten note on pink paper taped to the back cover of the book. 

To read the lovely letter CLICK HERE.

What a sweet gesture for this little girl!