There was a story earlier this year about a brewery in Florida that put shelter dogs on its cans to get them adopted. And apparently it started a trend.
A pizza place in upstate New York just started putting photos of dogs on its pizza boxes. And it’s already working.
Mary Alloy owns a restaurant near Buffalo called the Just Pizza & Wing Company. And she also volunteers at her local animal shelter.
An event coordinator for the shelter came up with the idea to put flyers on the boxes, and Mary immediately got on board. She’s even offering $50 gift certificates for free pizza to anyone who presents one of the flyers when they adopt a pet.
She just started doing it last Friday, and at least one of the dogs from the boxes has already been adopted.
It’s even more commendable when you find out Mary’s more of a CAT person. She told the local news she currently has THIRTEEN shelter cats at home.