I belong to several mom groups on Facebook.
The reason that I joined them is that I wanted a safe place to ask questions with other women. As a first time mom, I’ve realized how little I know about babies and I truly believe in the “it takes a village” mentality.
But lately, I’ve become a bit disenchanted with them.
The posts have turned away from children and towards venting sessions about partners, the government, and legislation.
It’s not why I joined, but I can’t seem to unfollow them because every once in awhile, there is a great discussion. Truth be told, those moments are becoming few and far between.
So what do you do when you’re not satisfied with something? Change it!
I’ve been thinking lately that maybe it’s time to start my OWN Facebook group. It would be a positive place for people to come to when they have questions about their children, and they would hopefully be supported by the other members.
But who would join?
I would only want people who are truly there to learn, grow, and share. People who won’t be judgemental and go out of their way to be helpful.
Does that sound like you?
Let’s give this a try! It’s still new, but feel free to join the Positive Parenting Posse on Facebook!
Feel free to share this with other parents who are looking for like-minded people.
Listen to me on Nick and Kristen in the Morning show M-F from 5:30-10 am. Click here to listen.