You better answer that phone because your dream job is calling. How would you like to eat chocolate for a living? The only thing that’s wrong is that it’s in England and no they won’t relocate you. The lucky few that will get the job will taste test chocolate and other things and be paid $14 an hour to do it. It’s only about 8 hours a week so you can’t live off it but it’s possibly the best side hustle ever created.
The best part is that it’s for a world famous chocolate company. It’s not some “Billy Bob Chocolate Factory” it’s Cadbury. You know the one with the eggs filled with liquid gold! You can apply until March 8th but again, it’s in England. All you need to qualify is a passion for chocolate, great taste buds and an honest opinion. Check and CHECK!
If you get an interview they will test you will something called “choco-challenges” where they see how well your taste buds can detect certain things. If you want to apply you can fill out their application HERE.