If you are bummed to be spending St. Patrick s Day at home this year, here are a few tips to help you celebrate while social distancing:

  1. Watch some Irish movies. Harper’s Bazaar posted a list of more than 20 good ones you can look for on various streaming services.  And Screenrant.com ranked the ten best St. Patrick’s Day SITCOM episodes of all time.
  2. Attend a virtual St. Patrick’s Day party.  The Milwaukee Irish Fest is the largest Irish event in North America.  They’ll be live-streaming performances and videos on social media.  Also, the Dropkick Murphys are streaming a show live from Boston with no audience.
  3. If you’ve got kids, lean heavily on arts and crafts.  They’ll need something to do that won’t require going anywhere.  And you want it to take a while, so YOU can relax.  “Woman’s Day” posted a list of 35 ideas you can check out.  And YouTube and Spotify have a ton of traditional Irish music you can stream while you get crafty.
  4. Brush up on your Irish-American history.  About 33 million Americans have Irish ancestors.  So it might be a good day to check out sites like Ancestry.com.  The website IrishTimes.com has a good guide for getting started.
  5. Cook some Irish food.  Delish.com has a ton of recipes.  Just don’t DRINK too much.  Alcohol weakens your immune system, which is exactly what you don’t want right now.  It’s not clear what a “safe” amount looks like.  So definitely dial it back this year.