Cheering Yourself Up Costs $1600 A Year

By 965koit on December 8, 2017

It’s late at night and your significant other is fast asleep but you are still cruising your phone. You’ve had a long day at work and your sad because your bank account is lower than it should be. Suddenly your putting in your account information and buying yourself a brand new phone case or a lapel microphone for your phone. Just me? You get the point. Turns out we spend an average of $1652 on ourselves every year because we are in a bad mood.

Who doesn’t love the feeling of buying something you want? It feels great all the way up until that confirmation page pops up and you realize there is no turning back. Now you have to explain to your significant other that you REALLY need those lapel mics for work.

Just to break that down, it’s about $140 a month and over the course of your adult life the total number is six figures.

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