Dog Meets Orphaned Kittens And Instantly Adopts
By Hope Bidegainberry on May 19, 2020
This woman saw a post about three kittens who needed round-the-clock bottle feeding, and she immediately offered to help.
This came at a good time, because COVID-19 just hit and she as practicing shelter-at-home and needed something to do.
Once she brought the kittens home, it became clear her 105-pound lab mix wanted her job.
The dog won’t let the kittens out of her sight. She sits next to their carrier and watches their every move.
When the dog’s owner tries to bottle-feed them, the lab isn’t please that someone else is handling “her kittens.”
The owner would have to put the dog in another room just to get anything done with the kittens. When she would let her out, she would run straight for the kittens to check up on them.
The dog was sick of her owner interfering with her kittens, so she would start hiding them. Take them from their crate and putting them behind the dresser.
The owner wonders if the dog is paying it forward because she was just 5 weeks old and ended up in a shelter until she was adopted and nursed back to health.