Bolinas vs. Stinson Beach Tug of War: The Marin County towns of Bolinas and Stinson Beach get together each Fourth of July to have an epic tug-of-war on the beach. It’s FREE to pick a side and cheer on your favorites! It starts at 9am so don’t be late!
Patriotic American Concert: The Golden Gate Park Band will be playing a free concert with patriotic music for the Fourth of July. This FREE event start at 1pm in the amphitheater at the west end of the music concourse.
4th of July Celebration at the Pier, San Francisco: Head to the Wharf, enjoy some great ’80s music beginning at 5pm, then stick around after dark for the FREE firework show.
4th of July Fireworks in San Jose: This FREE fireworks show will start around 9:30p at Discovery Meadow at 180 Woz Way in San Jose. Seating is on a first-come basis.
Morgan Hill Fireworks & Parade: Join over 50,000 spectators for the largest Parade in California. Then stick around for the Annual Liberty Car Cruise which includes a display of over 100 hot rods, stock, military and classic vehicles. The fireworks will begin at 9:30p in Downtown Morgan Hill.