FREE Travel For New Year’s Eve
By 965koit on December 31, 2019
There are no excuses for driving drunk tonight! NONE. With Uber and Lyft and other ride options, there is absolutely no reason for you to get behind the wheel. Not only are there ride sharing apps, designated driver friends and Taxis there is also free public transit.
If you are going out tonight and you don’t want to spend a lot of money, public transit is the perfect way to travel. Tonight almost all of the public transportation options are free and running late into the night.
Make a note to yourself before you head out tonight, or bookmark this blog so you can reference it later.
BART is running to and from San Francisco until 3am
AC Transit & MUNI are FREE from 8pm to 5am
VTA & SamsTran are FREE starting at 8pm
Worried about leaving your car where you parked it? Don’t worry AAA will tow your truck 10 miles for free, even if you are NOT a member. From 6pm – 6am January 1st, you can call 1-800-AAA-HELP to schedule your sober, free ride home.
Don’t wake tomorrow with regrets that you could have easily avoided. Use one of these options to get home and don’t let your friends drive home drunk either. Have a plan for the end of the night and stick to it.