Great, now I’m crying

By 965koit on September 5, 2019

The day that I had Lilly, I’ve looked at mothers in a different way.

Motherhood is such n consuming job and I’ve finding it so tough to not only be a mother, but a good employee, and work on myself too.

It feels like if I’m excelling at one of those, then the rest suffers.

It’s too much some times.

I think that’s why this commercial hit me so hard. It shows a young Serena talking about her sport. She doesn’t know she’s going to go on to become one of the greatest athletes in THE WORLD. She also doesn’t know she’s going to become a mom.

And it’s hard at first to distinguish which job she’s talking about.

Because let’s face it. There may not be any trophies or magazines covers, but motherhood is just as hard sometimes as becoming a world-famous athlete.

Watch the commercial and let me know what you think.

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