I’ve made it pretty well known that I’m a huge Star Wars fan. Surprisingly It wasn’t until my late 20’s that I actually started to get into the fandom, and then it snowballed! After watching all 6 movies (at the time) in one sitting, I decided that I wanted to know more. Turns out, there is a easily 100 books that explore the entire timeline of the Jedi and Sith. So I bought a book off amazon, then another, then another, until one day I had 30 books. I couldn’t get enough!

Suddenly, the world of Star Wars was massive and spanned millennium. So what was next for me? I had officially become a fan but I didn’t have anything to show for it. No toys or shirts or collectibles. How were people going to know?! Obviously, it was really easy to fix that problem. But it wasn’t until Christmas 2 years ago that I received my very first lightsaber. Kristen surprised me with Anikan Skywalkers blue lightsaber on Christmas morning and it changed everything.


The collectible lightsabers aren’t cheap, so I was convinced I would never have one. Mostly, because I wasn’t willing to spend $150 of something that would sit on my shelf. But this was the best of both worlds! I didn’t spend a dime and it looked GREAT on my nerd shelf. Then the next year Kristen got me ANOTHER lightsaber for Christmas. This time is was Kylo-Rens’ super unique red ligthsaber with cross blades. It was big and heavy and cool!

Now I had two cool collectible lightsabers, but two isn’t a collection. That’s just a pair of something. That’s when I made a watch list of all the other lightsabers they sell online, you know, just to admire. They were all $150 and UP so there was no way I was going to spend that kind of money on something that was for me. However, if Kristen wanted to continue this tradition I wouldn’t be mad. In fact, I was helping her because I was showing her which ones I wanted!

One day I was checking on my wish list, because I’m a dreamer who likes to visit his future things, and I noticed that one of them was on sale. Like almost HALF off! Darth Vader’s lightsaber slashed from $175 to $99 but there was only one at that price. I spent most of the day looking at it on my phone, wondering if I should or shouldn’t buy it. I decided to save my money and be strong and think about my family.

One week later there is a knock at the door and the UPS guy hands me a long thin box. What the heck? Did I do something in my sleep? Nope. Kristen strikes again! She saw what I was doing and decided that it was too good of a deal to pass up and now I have THREE lightsabers! If you think about it, this is all Kristen’s fault.

After this we took a trip to Disneyland to visit the new Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge park. The only thing I wanted to do was build my own lightsaber from scratch. Which I did, and I actually paid for it this time! Now I had FOUR lightsabers. What was happening? Does this count as a collection now? I was still convinced that it didn’t.

Until yesterday….

When another lightsaber on my list went on sale. This one went from $200 to $99! And instead of fighting it like I always do, I decided that I was going to now officially take the title of Lightsaber Collector. Needless to say, Mace Windu’s purple lightsaber arrives Friday.

This wasn’t the plan! I never had any intention of being a lightsaber collector honestly. But what the heck, I’m not stopping now.