How Long Is Your Commute To and From Work?
By 965koit on January 25, 2019
Yesterday, after work I decided to meet up with a friend for dinner. He only lives 10 miles away from me and in my little Texas mind I thought “oh that’ll only be like 15 minutes.” Boy, was I wrong! My rookie mistake was leaving my house in the middle of rush hour. Y’all, it took me an hour to get to his place. AN HOUR!!!! He only lives 10 miles up the road!!! That’s also because I took back roads instead of the highway. If I would have used the highway I’d be in traffic for TWO HOURS. That should not be an issue.
Yes, this was my first interaction with true Bay Area traffic and I did not like it, haha!
This definitely got me thinking. I don’t drive to work; I take as much public transportation as possible because I heard traffic horror stories upon moving here. I pretty much only drive around on the weekends. Using public transportation it only takes me about 40 minutes to get to work and about the same getting back home at the end of the day…which coming from a place where I’d get to work in 10 minutes that’s still crazy, but I’m sure is nothing compared to what you may deal with.
How long is your commute to work? How far are you traveling to work?