If you’re determined to take a summer vacation this year even with the pandemic raging on, here’s a rundown of how to do it as safely as possible . . .
1. Choosing a destination. Check the travel restrictions and quarantine rules for your home state, plus any place you want to go. Earlier this week it was announced that New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut were requiring self-quarantine for anyone coming from a hotspot state . . . which could really mess up your plans.
2. Flying. Check each airline’s policies beforehand to see if there’s one you’re more comfortable with. Try to book seats without other people nearby. And some experts say window seats are safer than middle and aisle seats.
Then, once you’re onboard, clean your seat, armrest, and tray table with a disinfectant wipe . . . wear your mask the entire flight . . . and don’t wait in line for the restroom.
3. Road trips. Driving might be safer than flying, but it still has some risk. At the very least, you should pack hand sanitizer, masks, disinfectant wipes, and paper towels. Bringing your own food would be good too. And obviously touch as little as possible at rest stops . . . which was a good rule of thumb even before coronavirus.
4. Hotels and Airbnbs. If amenities are important to you, check to see which ones are open before booking, since many common area facilities are closed right now.
And don’t assume your space is completely clean when you check-in. You should still wipe down hard surfaces, especially things like door handles, faucets, light switches, TV remotes, nightstands, and the fridge if there is one.
5. Staying with friends and family. Ask them about their activities in the weeks leading up to your visit. If they’re gathering in large groups or doing other high-risk things, you might want to choose something else.