Black Friday is coming up pretty quickly and THIS year you want to make sure you get the best deals. A lot of these sales for big items are usually limited to 4 or 5 and they are always sold out by the time you checkout online. It’s all about the planning and prepping before the big day that is the most important part. So here are a couple tips to make sure you get the best deals available on Black Friday morning.
- Do Your Research – Leading up to Black Friday, know how much the item is that you are going to buy before it goes on sale. Check different websites to see what the original price is so that you know that you’re actually getting a deal.
- Fill Up Your Cart NOW! – You know that you are going to buy that TV you have been eye-balling for the last 2 months, and that new book by your favorite artist right? So put it in your online cart right now so that when it goes on sale you can just check out and get your deal before it sells out. But be sure to refresh your cart once you open it so that the prices update.
- Clear Your History and Cookies – It can actually effect some of the prices for the items that you have looked at previously or websites that you have looked at. So make sure to clear those the day before so that you can get the true price of the items you’re buying.
- Budget – Create a budget for yourself and then actually stick to it. Its easy to get caught up in the adrenaline rush of buying stuff online so be mindful of the things you are buying. Are they really a good deal or is that just an excuse? Also, don’t forget that Cyber Monday is a few days later so don’t put any pressure on yourself if you don’t buy something.
First and foremost enjoy Thanksgiving! Dont worry about going to bed early so you can wake up and buy stuff, just enjoy your family time.