I brought this little reindeer critter home this weekend
By on December 2, 2019
When my boyfriend and I went looking for Christmas trees this weekend for his place I wasn’t expecting to see these cute little wooden animals. I had never seen one of these “critters” as they called it at the tree lot. We went to the tree lot at the corner of Ralston and Alameda de las Pulgas in Belmont. These “little guys” greeted us when we walked on to the property.
A woman and a young boy were putting the trimmings onto the critters. One man that was working there and helped me described them as reindeer however the proper word to describe them was critter. Lol.
Either way, I thought it was just the most adorable thing and I had to have one. I picked one out and brought him home and he fit right in next to our tree. At first I had him on the right side but thought it was too close to where my dog likes to sit by the window and didn’t want her to get tempted to chomp on him. My daughter kept saying, “Well Mom, don’t be surprised if we end up with firewood.” We don’t even have a fireplace but she was referring to our dog potentially enjoying our family critter as a chew toy. Luckily Jada, our Pitbull is not the least bit interested. lol