It’s National Potato Day! What’s Your Favorite Way to Eat Them?

By Hope Bidegainberry on August 19, 2019
Raw sweet potato with rosemary, pepper and olive oil prepared for oven roasting

It’s National Potato Day.  And a new survey found only 2% of Americans DON’T like potatoes.

The survey also asked people to name their favorite way to eat potatoes.  And #1 didn’t surprise us much.  Here are our ten favorite ways to eat potatoes . . .

  1. French fries, with 24% of the vote.
  2. Baked potatoes, 20%.
  3. Mashed potatoes, 19%.
  4. Roasted potatoes, 9%.
  5. Hash browns, 5%.
  6. Tater tots, 5%.
  7. Potato salad, also 5%.
  8. Potato chips, only 4% of the vote.  (Does America really like hash browns and potato salad more than chips?)
  9. Potato pancakes or latkes, 2%.
  10. Some other way to eat them, 1% of the vote.  

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