Guys, I’m basically Oprah.

I’ve decided to create a baby book club where I will share my recommendations with you. Reading was a huge part of my childhood and I want to start good reading habits with Lilly.

This all started when I was ATTACKED on social media when I said that Goodnight Moon sucked.

Goodnight nobody?

Goodnight air?

Sorry, its garbage.

I’m sure kids love it, but I’ve made it my mission to find books that not only Lilly will love, but I will love reading to her. Look, let’s be honest, she has no idea what I’m saying, and I’ve still got to read it over a hundred times. It might as well be something that I enjoy.

Right off the bat, I want you to know that I’m not being paid in any way for these endorsements. These are just my personal recommendations. But if you’re an author and want to pay me, hit your girl up. It better be good, because I’m going to be brutally honest.

So let’s get to it!

My first recommendation is Look! Look! by Peter Linenthal

Kristen reading to Lilly. (Photo Credit: Nick Steele)

This is BY FAR Lilly’s favorite book. Now using the word “book” is being generous because there isn’t much to it. It’s a board book with only a few pictures, but it captures her attention like nothing else. I even bring it to the doctor’s office to distract her.

Why do I like it?

It’s a high contrast black and white picture book. It shows fish swimming, a cat stretching, children smiling, etc. Each page has one picture and it’s negative so it activates different parts of Lilly’s brain. The words are pretty sparse, but it gives parents a lot of room to talk to the baby about the things they’re seeing on the page. There is no story to follow, no rhymes you’re breaking up when you stop to describe. It’s the perfect first book.

Since it’s a board book, Lilly can paw at it or rub her drool on it and it’s easy to clean up and it doesn’t get wrinkled or destroyed.

If you know someone who recently had a baby, buy them Look! Look! They will not be disappointed. And at under $7 it’s easy on your wallet too.

Have you read this? What do you think? What are your recommendations?