Lice Activity Increased 20 Percent in Bay Area: Report

By on March 27, 2019
Woman inspecting child’s head looking for head lice. Using hands, magnifying glass and comb.

If you have ever had the “pleasure” of dealing with lice in any capacity you already know how much of a nuisance they are and the kind of work involved to rid them of your life!  You have to treat the head that they have hijacked and made their home and also cleaning your home and belongings.  According to a study in the Bay Area lice cases have gone up 20% in January versus last year.  If over the counter remedies don’t work you can always go to the Lice Clinics of America.  I have included a list of locations below.  Also, here are some ways to prevent getting lice.

  1. Don’t share items that touch the head like combs or towels.
  2. Avoid activities that lead to head-to-head contact.
  3. Keep belongings, especially upper body clothing, away from shared areas like coat closets.

Good luck!



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