While you might think the holidays now safely behind you, 2019 comes with many animal-themed celebrations (sayeth the Internet). Mark your calendars!

January is Adopt a Bird Month and has days set aside to honor Eagles (January 10th), Dragons (16th), Penguin Awareness (20th), Squirrels (21st), and ends on International Zebra Day (31st). February is Adopt a Rabbit Month and celebrates Snakes (1st), Groundhogs (2nd), Cordova Ice Worm (3rd), Western Monarchs (5th), Hippopotamus (15th), with International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day on the 23rd. March is Adopt a Guinea Pig Month, the second week of the month brings Termite Awareness, and its Save a Spider Day (14th), Buzzards (15th), Frogs (20th). First week of April is for Bats, week #2 National Animal Control Officer Appreciation, followed by World Week for Lab Animals. April 2 is Ferret Appreciation, Rats get a day (4th), Beavers (7th), Unicorns (9th), Elephants (16th), and Bird Watching Day is the 27th. May is International Respect for Chickens Month (but you probably already knew that), with May 1 for Rhinos, followed by Koala Day (3rd), Turtles (23rd), Slugs (28th), and Hug Your Cat Day (the 30th, but also every day according to my cat). The first Sunday of June is National Animal Rights Day, the last week is Fish Are Friends Not Food Week.    

July is Bison Month. July 10 is Don’t Step on a Bee Day, with Sharks and Mosquitos each earning a day (15th and 21st). August celebrates Lizards (14th), Orangutan (19th), Homeless Animals (third Saturday every year). September 15th kicks off National Farmed Animals Week, and has days for Hummingbirds (1st), Iguanas (8th), Red Pandas (15th), Rhinos and Fish Amnesty (22nd), and Geese (29th). October starts with Raccoon Appreciation (1st) and works up to Sloths (20th), Reptiles (21st) and Mules (26th). Plus, it’s Bat Appreciation Month! November has a day for Jellyfish (3rd) and Hugging Bears (7th, although stuffed bears only), and also brings us National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week starting the 4th. I guess we could consider November 28th Turkey Day although it’s never much fun to be a turkey around Thanksgiving. And in addition to the “regular” holidays, December celebrates Cheetahs (4th), Horses (14th) and Monkeys (14th). Who knew?