I always joke around with my friends about how I am going to Girl Scout cookie rehab after every Girl Scout cookie season. I don’t know about you but Girl Scout cookie season is a season I look forward to every year AND dread at the same time!! LOL. I enjoy them so much but I just cannot have one. Whenever I open a box I end up eating almost half the box in a matter of minutes. I somtimes have to talk to myself before I open a box and say, “I’m only going to grab 3 and then close it up!” I struggle, A LOT!
Fast foward to tonight. I am heating up some food in our company kitchen and I walked over to look out the window while my food was in the microwave. I happened to glanced down on one of the tables and taped to it were 2 pieces of paper. One with a picture of a co-workers 2 daughters holding up Girl Scout cookie boxes and the other paper was the dreaded order form lol!!! Her daughters are the cutest and learning so much in the organization. I would know, I was once a Girl Scout too! I had to support Jenn’s little ones!!
I think the microwave beeped to tell me it was done but I didn’t even hear it! I was too busy deciding how many of each box of cookies I wanted. I ended up ordering 7 boxes! That’s $36 worth of cookies.
2 Trefoils
1 Samoas
3 Thin Mints
1 Toffee Tastics
My Girl Scout cookies will arrive on Friday and Jenn’s girls were be here to deliver them personally! AWESOME! Congratulations girls and make sure to thank Mom for bringing your order form to work!!