Parking in SF is getting more and more competitive. Sometimes you will find yourself circling blocks over and over before finding a spot for your car. There will be a report on proposed changes that will hopefully make San Francisco’s limited space, less congested.

“Curb Management Strategy”, lays out how they will manage the city’s limited curb space. Ride-sharing vehicles, electric scooters and on-demand food delivery services are not compteing for space on city curb-sides.

Here’s the proposal:

  • More parking for motorcycles
  • Special parking for electric scooters
  • Extending hours on all meters and ending Sunday free parking
  • Increase and streamline ‘geofencing for Transportation Network Companies like Uber and Lyft-designating pickup/drop off locations like SFO.
  • Creating a four-hour time limit on broken meters.

To enforce these changes, the SFMTA is proposing using cameras on buses to ticket for double parking.

What do you think of this new plan?