Silent Night is the greatest Christmas song
By 965koit on November 22, 2019
What is your favorite Christmas song?
It is so easy to answer that question.
It is Silent Night.
Why is it my favorite? It is all because of Lilly.

Lilly was born on December 7th, 2018.
She was born at 34 weeks so she had to spend two weeks in the NICU. When she finally got out, it was December 22nd.
She came home just in time for Christmas.
Since she’s our little Christmas baby and our first child, we hummed whatever song came to mind when we needed to soothe her.
For me, that was Silent Night.
It was probably something that I heard during KOIT Christmas and it was just in my mind. I started humming it to her and she calmed down completely. Since then it’s become my go-to song when I want her to calm down.
What’s your favorite Christmas song, and what’s the reason why you love it so much? Let me know in the Facebook comments.
Then don’t forget to listen to me on the Nick and Kristen in the Morning show M-F from 5:30-10 am. Click here to listen.