Check out our interview with Sebastian from Hot & Streamy to find out all the details about this cool event!

If you are a fan of The Dark Crystal by Jim Henson & Frank Oz but have never watched it on the BIG screen then you may want to hear this. There is going to be a charity screening of The Dark Crystal in San Francisco on August 24th at the historic Roxie Theater. A company named Hot & Streamy is the go to place for finding out what you need to be streaming at any given moment from all the different streaming services.

One of the most anticipated series coming to Netflix is the new Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. People WILL be talking about this and if you are like me and have never seen The Dark Crystal then you are going to be left out of the conversation. But you don’t have to be! Not only will you be able to see it on the big screen but you will also be helping a great charity named Next Village SF. They are a San Francisco based 501c3 charity that has a mission to help adults 60+ in living independently.

This sounded like such a cool event that I had to be a part of it so I reached out to Sebastian the founder of Hot & Streamy to see if he needed an MC for the event. Thankfully he called me back and asked me to come out and host the raffle that happening that includes an exclusive poster from the original theatrical release. We had him call in and chat with us about the whole event and tell us why he feels so strongly about helping Next Village and the Bay Area in general.

Buy your ticket before it sells out and join us for an afternoon of fun just click HERE