After three years, Nick and I have decided to leave KOIT and the Bay Area.

This was a really hard decision for us to make.

I can still remember crossing over the Bay Bridge on our way home to Sacramento after having had our interview at KOIT. Nick and I were so excited because we thought it went well. It foggy and near Christmas time. As we drove through the city, I saw Christmas trees with twinkling lights in the windows of businesses, and people on the sidewalk walking in puffy coats holding presents for their loved ones.

The whole ride home, we kept saying, “but they won’t really hire us, right?”. Being the morning show on KOIT was the dream job and we definitely didn’t think we were good enough.

But our bosses did.

We got the call that we got the job while I was in the emergency room after having broken my knee. It was a weird day because something so horrible had just happened but something amazing too.

I was going to spend my first four months in San Francisco in a wheelchair but I didn’t care. I was going to work at KOIT! I was going to live in the Bay Area!

We’ve been here three years now and it’s been a wild ride.

During this time I went through a lot of physical therapy to learn to walk correctly, we’ve made great friends, and we went through a difficult challenge of losing a pregnancy.

We’ve been a part of some amazing charities and raised thousands of dollars for them.

We’ve eaten too much, walked along the beach and through the redwoods.

I was hospitalized for six weeks during my pregnancy and did the morning show from my bed.

And, of course, we had our daughter Lilly.

And it’s for Lilly that we decided to make this difficult decision.

A new opportunity presented itself out of California that would allow us to give Lilly the life she deserves.

After a lot of thought, we decided to take this chance but that means leaving KOIT.

I truly wish I could’ve stayed here forever. The Bay Area feels like home to me and that’s why this has been such a challenge for us. It almost seems insane to leave KOIT and our great company for something unknown, but we still feel like we need to take this chance.

We will miss you all terribly.

Thank you for embracing us and our crazy life. Thank you for liking the TON of photos of Lilly I put on Facebook.

You’ve become family to us and we will never forget our time at KOIT.

But you can keep in touch! 

You can follow us on Facebook or Instagram.

Thank you for being the best audience, listeners, friends, family we could’ve asked for.

Our last day will be Friday, January 3rd, 2020.

Cheers to the New Year and new beginnings.