This Mom Bought 1500 Pairs Of Shoes

By 965koit on July 31, 2019

Have you ever wanted to walk into a store and buy everything? That’s what this mom actually did.

There is a woman named Carrie who lives in Arkansas and recently took her kids to the mall to get shoes. They noticed that Payless was having a liquidation sale because they were closing the store. Her daughter picked out a pair of shoes and then asked her mom if she would buy her friend some Avengers shoes. Apparently her friend couldn’t afford new shoes and the ones she was wearing didn’t fit. That’s when Carrie got an idea. She asked the cashier how much it would cost to buy everything left in the store. There were about 300 pairs left and the deal sounded good (she doesn’t say how much she spent) so she bought them all.

Carrie had to go and get a truck to pick up the shoes. When she came back they had received a new shipment of 1000 shoes! Since she was already there she thought why not buy those too, so she did. The total value of the shoes before the discount was $21,000 but she won’t say how much she actually paid for everything.

What did she do with all those shoes? About 400 of them were adult shoes so she donated those to shelters and other places. The rest are kids shoes so she set up an event for next weekend that will allow kids to come and grab a free pair of shoes. Which is perfect timing for back to school.

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