Valentine’s Day! Love it? Maybe not? Here’s a Valentine just for you ~

By 965koit on February 14, 2018

Happy Valentine’s Day to you!

I have mixed feelings about Valentine’s Day.  I’m kind of an everyday is Valentine’s Day person.  I don’t need a special day to declare my love to my significant other.  Wow, what a Grinch I am!  Before getting married, I spent quite a few V days on my own, feeling a bit left out and a lot of pressure about it.  Today we celebrate Valentine’s Day as a family celebration.  When our son came into our lives it made a big difference to celebrate holidays.  Now I embrace the V Day and indulge in my own way.  In addition to purchasing or making cards for my family, I try to add a little something special to my day, just for me.  How do you feel about Valentine’s Day?  I hope that whether you have a Valentine or not, you’re able to take some time and pamper yourself in a special way.  Loving others begins with not being so hard on ourselves.  Happy Valentine’s Day to you!


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