2018 World Dog Surfing Championships: This is a FREE event to watch, and why wouldn’t you? It’s so much fun to see some dogs hang ten! It’s going to run from 9am to 2pm at Linda Mar State Beach. For more details, and how to enter your dog, click here.
2018 Fremont Festival of the Arts: This FREE event runs all day at Paseo Padre and Walnut Ave. in Fremont. This is “the largest free outdoor festivalwest of the Mississippi,” covering more than four walking miles. The festival features over 700 top-quality artisan booths delight the most discerning shoppers, music lovers enjoy continuous music featured on three stages, children are thrilled with the many games and activities found in Kid City.
2018 Annual Berkeley Comic Con: This event is $5 to take advantage of all the nerdy goodness. It runs all day at the North Berkeley Senior Center. This is an old-school show where comics, vintage and contemporary, are the sole focus.
2018 Back to School Festival: This is an all day FREE event held at the Oakland City Hall. The Back-to-School Rally is designed for community engagement, fun, inspiration and most importantly, to prepare you and your family to blast into the school year ready to succeed. There will be tons of activities and FREE giveaways.