You’ll Sleep Better With Your Pet In Your Room
By 965koit on September 11, 2019
People have mixed feelings about letting their fur babies sleep in bed with them, but maybe the answer doesn’t have to be sleeping in bed with you. Maybe just have them in your room while you sleep.
According to a new study by the Mayo Clinic, people who had their dogs sleep in their bedroom either in their bed or on the ground slept better. And it didn’t matter how big the dog was, or how much it moved during the night.
The researchers say, “most people assume having pets in the bedroom is a disruption. We found that many people actually find comfort and a sense of security from sleeping with their pets.”
And one of the main reasons is many pet owners are away from their pets for much of the day, so they want to spend as much time with them as possible when they are home.
Do you let your pet sleep in your room with you?