Can you spot the ghostly figure in this photo?
By Hope Bidegainberry on July 5, 2017
The kids and I went to the Winchester Mystery House over the weeknend. In the Explore More Tour we were shown a photo that was taken in 2015 and there was a figure in one of the windows that has shown itself in other people’s photos as well. So we took the photo too and used the black and white filter. Does it look like there is a ghost like figure in the window? It is the window on the 2nd floor that is underneath the left round window. This can very well be a glare but everytime I look at the photo I can’t help but see a corpse like woman in a dress staring out the window. My brother in-law thinks it’s glare but many of my online friends believe we captured a spirit and I think it is too! The Winchester Mystery House is known to be haunted and both of our tour guides said they have experienced spirits in the house. It is a beautiful home but very eccentric as Sarah Winchester kept buidling for 30 years until the day she died. In the book I bought from the gift shop it says that there were probably close to 500 to 600 rooms that were built over the 30 years it was in construction and by the way, carpenters were building 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year! Construction ended after she died in 1922 and the final structure has 3 floors and 160 rooms because the 1906 earthquake destroyed a lot of it. You’ve got to go see it! In the meantime here is a video I took of the outside of the home and some of the garden infront of the house because video and photography were not permited inside the house!! Enjoy.