Dear Friend,

It is Suicide Prevention Week and I wanted to share a little bit of my story regarding suicide and depression.  I am now 44 but when I was 23 I wanted to end my life. I know how it feels to feel alone and not know what to do.  I battled depression in my 30s as well after my father died and my kids’ father and I parted ways.  It was a rough time.  I hung in there and got help and rebuilt my foundation of love for myself with the help of friends and family.  I had to take the first step in just telling someone that I felt sad and didn’t know how to turn it off.  I couldn’t see the beauty that the future held.  I could only FEEL the lonliness of the moments that DID eventually pass.  One day I will tell my whole story but I get into a little of it in the video below.  Let’s practice random acts of kindness to perhaps brighten someone’s day.  You never know what that person is feeling or going through.  That random act of kindness just may make a difference in someone’s life.  If you are in crisis there is a number to call just to talk.  Call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.  There is also a text line.  Text the word “TALK” to 741-741.  Both the phone line and text line are 24 hours 7 days a week.  


Thank you…and remember you are loved!!!


