FRESKA’S FAVORITES: BOOK OF THE MOMENT- How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind
By on June 21, 2018
I have always struggled with keeping tidy. I have been this way since birth! I have gotten so much better but old habits die hard. I have made lists, bought special bins for this or that, organized things in ziplock bags. Everything has been ineffective because at the end of the day, to declutter your home or keep it organized, it does require work but it doesn’t have to be painful AND it doesn’t require tons of time if you do it right!
I came across “How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind” by Dana K. White. I listen to the Audible version of the book so I can listen on my drive to work. I feel that she comes from a place of real understanding of this issue because she was once A SLOB (and that’s in her own words). Sometimes the challenge in cleaning is just feeling overwhelmed and so you don’t know where to start or how to begin. I am halfway through this book and it is funny and very REAL and very helpful. Dana also has a blog called A Slob Comes Clean. When she started this blog her husband didn’t even know she was writing it! She calls it her “deslobbification” lol!
If you have ever gone to someone’s house and said to yourself, “Oh, I wish my house was this clean” or “I would love to have my home be this organized”, you are not alone and you can totally do it! Dana has a reality based way of looking at things and approaching it and its motivating!! One thing I love about it is it is not overwhelming. I hope you find it helpful! I have another book I want to share but that will be for next time! Let’s go and clean! =) hahah…