I recently took my kids to Disneyworld in Orlando!  It was the first time for all of us.  This trip was also when we decided to finally start collecting Disney pins!  We would often see many people around Disneyland and now Disneyworld with super cool lanyards with very elaborate pins.  Moms, dads, grandparents, boys and girls, men and women all wearing great Disney pin collections around their necks probably worth over $200!  I’m not an expert but I now that I have started collecting I can “guess-timate” how much pins are worth and multiply that by how many the person has on their lanyard.  I know, it sounds a bit stalker-ish lol BUT some of these pins can cost you about $15.  They range from $9.99 to $14.99.  We must have stopped at so many stores in hopes of finding the ones that “spoke” to our soul, which were ALL OF THEM!  We couldn’t purchase all of them but we sure wanted to!

I chose the 2019 lanyard to commemorate the year I started my collection.  My eldest daughter chose the Up lanyard because it is one of her favorites movies.  My youngest daughter chose a very elegant lanyard that has the words, “Where Dreams Come True” on it.

I wanted to share photos of the pins we got along with a little description of why we chose them:


This D for Disney pin showed a certain elegance that matched the lanyard and really made my daughter happy.

This is the enchanted rose from Beauty and the Beast that looked so pretty with it’s stained glass look.

Here is the house from the movie Up complete with balloons!  A favorite movie of my daughter.

 This Dug pin is a spinner with fun quotes from the movie!


This is also an Up pin.  It is the Ellie Fredricksen had in the movie.

My daughters and their father have bonded over the Star Wars movies and got this for him.

This is a special one because it opens up.  The message says, “It all started with, Walt Disney”!

I purchased this because it reminded me of my mother.  She has Alzheimer’s Disease and I wear this because I will always remember her.

This one signifies the love for me and boyfriend.  Awwww……

I had to get this one because our pin collection started at Disneyworld.

Aladdin is probably my favorite Disney animated film so I had to get it and Moana reminds me of my eldest daughter.

  A photo of our lanyards and one of the walls that had more Up pins but that will be for next time.


I would love to see your Disney pin collections.  If you would like to email photos of them I would love to see it or maybe a few of your favorites and what it means to you.  I just love this new Disney hobby and I know this will last for  years to come.

