My Daughter’s Solution to My Snoring

By on June 8, 2017

My daughters and I went to Tanforan in San Bruno today and stopped off at Sears.  We ended up at the bottom floor looking at home decor which was next to the bedding and mattress department.  The girls are busy checking out the mattresses and laying on them and I round the corner looking at curtains.  My youngest walks over to me and asks me to check out how she set the bed because this model can help you sit up and move the height of the feet as well.  She asked me to lay down and get comfortable.  She said, “How do you like that Mom? Is it comfortable?”  My head and torso were propped up a bit and I replied, “Wow!  Yeah this is very comfortable!!”  Then she replies with, “GOOD!  We should get this for your snoring!”   I got the best sleep at Sears today! lol!  My older daughter is just horrified about it… you can see her on the other bed.  HAHAHAH..  I needed to rest a little after game 3 of the NBA finals!! WOOOHOOO!  GO WARRIORS!


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