So my boyfriend and I are going to be Starlord and Gamora from Guardians of the Galaxy for Halloween.  He usually goes all out for his costumes so I had too as well.  Ugh!

I just bought my Gamora costume and it cost me a grip!  It’s going to be a custom fit too.  It is going to come complete with :  Coat, Vest, Undershirt, Pants, Belts, Wristbands, Bandages, Glove and Boots!  Aside from still needing to buy the wig I still have to buy the makeup and learn how to apply it!   The costume should arrive in a few weeks and once I order the green face/body paint I am going to need to practice.  I heard if you don’t put a primer on first it can actually leave a green tint on my face even after washing it! lol!  Ummmm….no thank you.  I’ve been watching the videos below.  Wish me luck!