I was actually asked this question a few times leading up to this Father’s Day.  So, should I get my kids’ dad a Father’s Day gift even though we haven’t been together in over 10 years as a thank you for our 2 beautiful daughters?  Honestly, we don’t talk unless it is absolutely necessary.  So, in my case, the answer is no.  I don’t feel it is my place now any way since he is married and it just wouldn’t be right.  I do however make it clear to our daughters that if they want to get their dad something that I would get it on their behalf.  The card would be from our girls and nowhere would you see my name.  Regardless of our differences he is their father and they love him dearly so I want to support them in making it as special as they want to for their dad.  They also have their step/bonus mom to help make it a great day for him and their side of the family.

If you have that kind of situation where you want to give the father of your kid(s) a Father’s Day gift even though you’re not together then why not?  Go for it.

To all of the fathers out there and the father figures helping to guide their children…HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!