I heard some people talking about this as I was walking to work from BART today.  I was earshot of their conversation about Taco Bell being voted America’s BEST Mexican Restaurant.  I looked it up and sure enough the 2018 Harris Poll EquiTrend study came out.  They surveyed a little over 77,000 people over the age of 15.  I heard the 2 ladies who’s conversation I was eaves dropping on that, “clearly, those surveyed haven’t eaten at any Mexican restaurants in the Bay Area.”

We are pretty fortunate to have great cultural food here in the Bay. We’ve got everything from Mexican, Vietnamese, Chinese, Peruvian, Ethiopian, Indian, the list goes on.  It is a reality that some places in the country look at Taco Bell as a Mexican restaurant experience.   One of the women even said, “Well, maybe you can say they are the best Mexican-American restaurant.  That would be more accurate as it is not authentic Mexican food.”  What do you think?

What Mexican Restaurant in the Bay Area do you think is the best?  Let’s highlight them!