I know that many families and companies host ugly Christmas sweater parties and you can actually buy them on Amazon or other sites! I actually really love these Christmas sweaters . They were actually being warn in action down Santa Cruz Ave in Menlo Park! There was a group of women walking down the street each wearing some really cool Christmas sweaters that were far from the ugly Christmas sweater category. These are actually really cute. I hope I didn’t seem like a stalker stopping them and asking them if I could take a photo of their sweaters. They were all so very nice and agreed to let me take the pictures of their awesome sweaters. I asked them where I could get them!
This super cute DJ Penguin was found at TJ Maxx!
This awesome elf type sweater was purchased at Kohl’s.
This one is a one of a kind because her grandmother MADE it! She said her grandmother crocheted and also had a machine that could embroider! How amazing!
I hope to purchase a cute Christmas sweater before Christmas arrives!