GUILTY!! I am guilty of watching Dr. Pimple Popper! It is a cool, gross, and awesome all at the same time. Who would want to watch abscess oozing out of pimples and cysts of all shapes and sizes? Apparently 3.5 million people do. That’s how many followers Dr. Sandra Lee has, a dermatologist from Upland, CA. She has over 5 million followers on YouTube AND she has a tv how on TLC. She admits that even she is intrigued by how many people like watching this process. Her show does provide hope to many patients that have some pretty extreme cases! A neuroscientist even did a study as to why so many people have a fascination with watching Dr. Pimple Popper videos.
I guess a part of me likes to watch them because I had such bad acne in my teens and it’s gratifying to see others find relief and gain confidence after leaving her office.
Here is a video that will help you get to know her and a video showing her work. I’ll leave it up to you to check out the more extreme cases on her YouTube page. Enjoy or not.