Tickets on sale tonight for “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker”
By 965koit on October 21, 2019
December is a pretty important month in my world. My daughter Lilly was born on December 7th, my birthday is December 12th and of course Christmas is the 25th. However, this year there is one day that tops the list as “Most important” and that day is… December 7th. It’s my ONLY daughters FIRST birthday! Of course that’s the most important day. I would be a terrible dad if I said something different. But, if I didn’t have a daughter, or it was her SECOND birthday, then I would definitely say that December 20th is the most important day this year.
The final installment of the Skywalker saga will be told on the big screen. For over 40 years the tale of the Skywalker family has been told, and all of that is coming to an end on December 20th. Truly an end of an era. What will the next saga be? Will Rey & Finn still be in the new movies? And seriously, are we going to find out who Rey’s parents REALLY are or what? No one knows the answers to these questions. (Disney probably knows)
If you are as excited as I am about this, then you will want to watch Monday Night Football tonight. You don’t have to watch the game, just know that the final trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is going to air during the game. Honestly, I’m sure it’s going to be online a few minutes after that, but if you want to be the first to see it then you can watch live.
More importantly, after the trailer airs Fandango will start selling tickets to the shows. Get your tickets while you can because I’m sure the midnight or day before showings will sell out pretty fast. This year for the first time, I’ll have to get a babysitter to go and see it. Weird.
Star Wars released a one second teaser that you can watch before the full trailer ends but honestly, it’s meh.
The final trailer. Tune in to Monday Night Football on @ESPN to watch it live. #TheRiseOfSkywalker
— Star Wars (@starwars) October 19, 2019