Tag Archive: Beard
Published by 965koit
<p>Are you a man who takes pride in his beard? Do you purchase special oils and comb it every day […]</p>
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<p>Jason Momoa shaved his beard to bring awareness to recycling. He hasn’t shaved his beard since 2012! In the video […]</p>
Published by 965koit
<p>My whole adult life has been spent explaining to people that I am unable to grow any facial hair. You […]</p>
Published by 965koit
<p>First there was glitter beards. Then there was ornament beards and now there’s of course something new… If you or […]</p>
Published by Hope Bidegainberry
<p>Take a look at this adorable video below of this little girl who sees her dad for the first time […]</p>