Published by Hope Bidegainberry
<p>A lot of people are celebrating Halloween by watching the scariest, goriest horror movies they can get their hands on. […]</p>
Published by Hope Bidegainberry
<p>Happy Halloween! Take a look at the video below of the most creative Halloween costumes for your pets! Which one […]</p>
Published by Hope Bidegainberry
<p> I’m not sure if Toyota just unveiled this invention because it’s almost Halloween, because they’re big “Harry Potter” fans, or because they’ve […]</p>
Published by Hope Bidegainberry
<p> There’s a petition on with more than 150,000 signatures to get the government to officially move the date of Halloween from […]</p>
Published by Hope Bidegainberry
<p>Ah yes, the annual reminder that a ton of people are pretty sure “Ghostbusters” was a documentary. According to a new survey, […]</p>