Plan your next trip to Disneyland carefully! Below is a list of tips for your next visit!

  1. Pick a side of the park before any parade or firework show and stay there.
  2. Stay in the park where you have a Fast Pass.
  3. Set up fast passes on the Disneyland app by using Disney Max Pass. The official Disneyland app is an extremely handy tool to use. You can book fast passes and purchase tickets.
  4. Stay on a ride at closing. On certain slower evenings just before closing and on certain attractions the cast member may ask if you want to stay on for an extra ride.
  5. Take your meal to another quick service restaurant to eat. You don’t have to eat your meal at the same place you purchased it. It comes in handy when you can’t find a place to sit where you bought your food.
  6. Ride the Magical Express. This can be a fantastic way to start your Disney vacation.
  7. Use single rider lines when available. There are certain attractions that offer single rider as an option. This can come in very handy when lines are long and you want to maximize your time.
  8. Enter the park with the shortest line. Pay attention to which direction the crowds are heading and go the opposite way. (The Magic Kingdom or California Adventure).
  9. Go left off Main Street. The crowd seems to turn right off of Main Street when the park opens. Go left and then you can decide if you want to go on an adventure or head straight to the Wild Wild West. It just seems to be a little less crowded at opening.
  10. Explore other hotels. One nice thing about Disneyland is that everything is fairly close together. So visit the other different Disney hotels and start exploring.