The general public will have a unique opportunity to view tiny kittens currently in nursery care at the Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA (PHS/SPCA) during the 5th annual Kitten Nursery Shower.
WHAT: PHS/SPCA Kitten Nursery Shower
WHEN: Saturday, May 18 from Noon to 3:00 pm
WHERE: PHS/SPCA’s Tom and Annette Lantos Center for Compassion, 1450 Rollins Road, Burlingame, CA
During this free event, guests can watch volunteers syringe-feed tiny kittens, ask staff about life-saving work and learn about volunteer and foster care opportunities. There will also be activities for children including face painting and a balloon animal maker. Snacks for guests have been donated by Copenhagen Bakery and Trader Joes.
In addition, kitten foster parents will be visiting PHS/SPCA with their foster kittens during the shower event.
Guests are strongly encouraged to bring shower gifts for the kittens. The most needed items include KMR formula (liquid only), baby wipes, paper towels and cotton balls. Guests can purchase some of these gift items at the PHS/SPCA on-site store along with a limited edition Kitten Nursery T-shirt. Sales of all items benefit PHS/SPCA shelter animals.
PHS/SPCA’s Kitten Nursey started in 2008 and to date has saved the lives of 1,739 kittens. The nursery is run by highly trained PHS/SPCA staff and175 volunteers.
For more information CLICK HERE.