When Kristen and I first started living together, there was something I hadn’t told her about me. When it first happened she was shocked and appalled at my reckless behavior. I love cheese. As a snack, I will go into the fridge, pull out the block of cheese, cut a 2 inch piece and then eat it like an apple. Her jaw literally dropped when I first did this but it was how I was raised. I come from a long line of cheese eaters and I plan on passing that onto baby Lilly. Especially since America is now the cheese champ of the WORLD.

In case you didn’t know, there are Cheese Awards that are given out every year. The 32nd Annual World Cheese Awards were held in Italy recently, and for the first time ever America won. Over 38,000 cheeses from 40 plus countries entered the competition and WE WON! The champion cheese is from Oregon and it’s called the Rogue River Blue from Rogue Creamery. I’d tell you who won 2nd and 3rd but they don’t matter right?

In fact, America did pretty well this year in the cheese competition. Of the final 84 cheeses being judged we had 7 in the running. You can actually buy Rogue River Blue Cheese at some Whole Foods locations here and in Oregon. So go out and grab yourself a wheel, put the Battle Hymn of the Republic on your record player and eat it with pride. Like a true American.