Extra Life Was A Success!

By 965koit on November 5, 2018

I did it! I really REALLY didn’t think that I would make it but I did. The challenge was to stay up for 24 hours straight playing games, which can be video games, boards games, card games etc. As long as you were awake and playing something it counted and I made it the whole 24 hours. I teamed up with bay area based Imgur.com over the weekend to stream live on Twitch for 24 hours with 200 people who were dedicated to raising money for the Children’s Miracle Network.


The event is called Extra Life and people all over the world stay up all night playing games and raising money for the Children’s Miracle Network. Each participant gets to pick which hospital their money goes so that the money you raise remains local. My goal this year was to raise $500 and with the donations from all my friends and with a few things I put into the silent auction I was able to reach my goal! So thank you to everyone that donated and made that happen. I had such a great time doing this!

There were so many games to play and so many people to play them with. At times I was going solo and playing on my Nintendo DS or my Nintendo Switch in the corner somewhere. Occasionally I would jump on the big TV and compete against other players, by the way you are looking at the Super Mario Brothers 3 tournament winner. It probably helped that it was at 3am but a win is a WIN! I met some great people who invited me to be a part of their group games. Most of them I had never played but will now be finding a way to play every time I have a group of friends together in a room. The night, or should I say morning, ended with a Ninja Warrior type obstacle course that one of the participants built in the main room which was insane!

Over all it was a huge success and team Imgur raised $22,000 with all the particpants breaking their goal of $20,000. I can’t wait to do it next year and maybe I can get you to come with me!

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