Have I mentioned how good looking you are today? Have you lost weight? Whatever it is that you have been doing, don’t stop! Me? Sucking up? Of course not. I’m just making an honest observation. By the way, a little off topic, but did you know that I’m raising money again this year for UCSF Children’s Hospitals? Oh you didn’t? Let me tell you all about it!
Wow…you smell amazing, have I told you that lately?
Extra Life is back again and I’m pounding espressos and energy drinks to stay awake all night long! For 24 hours straight, I will join my team in playing games non-stop to raise money for UCSF Children’s Hospitals. Board games, video games, role playing games, ALL KINDS OF GAMES.
100% of your donations go to the hospital to help kids and families that have been affected by so many heart breaking diseases. These kids did nothing wrong and their families shouldn’t have to choose between seeing their kid and eating food that week. Every little bit adds up, and I’m doing my small part to help these kids live easier lives inside the hospital. Every year we get to go down and meet some of these kids and hear their stories. It’s inspiring to hear how positive they are during all of this. There is no doubt that UCSF and their staff have a lot to do with these kids having hope.
It definitely makes you hug your healthy children a little tighter at night. Every day I’m thankful that Lilly is healthy and growing at a rapid pace. After all of the complications that Kristen had during pregnancy, and the fact that she was born 6 weeks early, has kept us on edge. But Lilly is doing amazing. Some families aren’t as lucky as we are.
Now that I have a kid of my own I definitely feel closer to these children than ever before. Lilly spent 2 weeks inside the NICU and I’ll never forget how helpless we felt. If doing what I love can help to ease the burden on these parents and children, I’ll gladly sacrifice a little sleep.
Please help me in reaching my goal of $500! Whatever you can spare (really, ANYTHING helps) will help families and children in need.
Thank you in advance!