Pet Of The Week: Don
By Hope Bidegainberry on March 11, 2021
Just take a gander at this handsome guy! We bet you are probably exclaiming “Be still my beating heart!” For Don the rabbit is indeed a looker. Don is an adult neutered male rabbit with super soft speckled white and black fur. He can be shy at first, but don’t mistake that for him just not being into you. With some patience, once he feels more comfortable, Don will definitely warm up and exhibit his bouncy and playful side. This bunny’s hobbies include chomping on fresh veggies, watching romantic comedies and practicing his signature binky style. For those not in the known about this adorable rabbit trait, a binky is when a rabbit jumps around flicking their head and feet to communicate joy and excitement. Looking for a suave and sweet rabbit friend who is eager to show off his binkies? Ask for Don ID# A891595.
Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA is open for adoptions by appointment. Please call 650-340-7022 to schedule an appointment to meet Don. Visit for more information