Rescued Deer Trapped in Rope

By Hope Bidegainberry on September 12, 2019

Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA (PHS/SPCA) rescued a young buck from certain death in a remote area of private property near Menlo Park on September 3rd, 2019.  The deer’s antlers were completely entangled in a rope while the rope was also caught on a nearby tree and picnic table causing the animal to become trapped.

“We received a call from a resident of the property who saw the deer and called us for assistance,” said PHS/SPCA’s Communications Manager Buffy Martin Tarbox.  “The resident hadn’t been in that section of the large property since before Labor Day, so it’s possible the buck had been trapped in the rope and unable to free himself for a number of days.”

Upon arrival at the scene, PHS/SPCA staff saw the deer was indeed in peril.  The rope was wrapped around his antlers and wrapped around a nearby tree and picnic table, which severely restricted the animal’s ability to move.  PHS/SPCA determined the buck would need to be tranquilized to safely remove the rope from his antlers.

“Our staff used a blowpipe to inject the deer with a low dose of tranquilizer.  Once he was safely sedated, we worked quickly to cut the rope away from his antlers and checked the animal for injuries,” according to Tarbox.  “Despite his ordeal, the buck had no injuries and after about 15 minutes he woke from the tranquilizer and was able to walk to a nearby creek where he drank water.”

PHS/SPCA staff disposed of the rope so it wouldn’t pose any further threats to wildlife. Since the animal was completely immobilized by the rope and unable to break free, it is highly likely the animal would have perished from lack of water and food.  The resident of the property continued to monitor the deer and reported to PHS/SPCA he was walking fine and moved away from the property.

Animals, especially wildlife can easily become entangled in wire, string and especially fishing line which can cause life-threatening injuries and even death.  PHS/SPCA encourages people to ensure proper storage and cleanup of debris that can cause harm to wildlife.

PHS/SPCA’s Wildlife Care Center successfully rehabilitates 1,200 to 1,400 animals each year and is entirely funded by private donations.

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