San Francisco’s Market Street Is Going ‘Car Free’
By Hope Bidegainberry on January 27, 2020
This Wednesday, January 29th, private vehicles will no longer be allowed to travel the busiest stretch of San Francisco’s Market Street- Van Ness Avenue all the way to the Waterfront.
Why is the city banning private cars on Market Street?
The new ban is the beginning of a sweeping transformation. The changes will eventually include reconfiguration of sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, transit boarding areas, bike and bus lanes, and more.
During the morning and evening rush more than 200 Muni buses use Market Street every hour and that easing traffic congestion there ought to improve transit performance throughout the city.
Vehicles that are allowed to use Market Street:
- Muni buses, streetcars, and Parantransit
- City-regulated taxicabs
- Vehicles with commercial license plates
- Emergency Vehicles
Uber and Lyft Vehicles:
They will not be permitted on Market Street from 10th Street east to Steuart Street. The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency is setting up new loading areas on Market’s cross streets.
Will there be a penalty?:
Yes. Those drivers can be cited for a moving violation. The penalty: a fine of $238 and a point on the license of the cited driver.
Traffic on side streets will continue to be allowed to cross Market.
For more information CLICK HERE.