Target has started to remodel stores across the United States, and they’re adding nursing spaces for moms that are breastfeeding.

One of these nursing rooms was spotted in Texas and Blogger ScaryMommy shared the sign hanging on the door.

“Customers are free to nurse wherever and whenever you like” while shopping because “#momsrock.But, if you would like a comfy (or more private) spot to nurse or change a diaper, please ask our fitting room attendant about our nursing room! A peaceful space to take a break during your Target run, it’s even stocked with some free goodies to make you and baby’s time even sweeter,” the letter continued. “Happy nursing and happy shopping!”

A Target spokesperson says they want all guests to feel welcomed, valued, and respected.

The spokesperson also said, “Additionally, our store teams continuously listen to guest feedback and are empowered to find ways to make shopping at Target easy and inspiring for guests.”

Being a mom means going to Target. It’s one of those things that happen when you have kids, so I love that they found a way to make it easier for moms who are juggling it all.

I use formula for Lilly, but I have been out when she’s started to get hungry and cry. It’s not fun. Luckily, I carry a bottle with me so I can feed her quickly. Breastfeeding moms still have to deal with dirty looks when they do it in public, so I’m glad they have a place to go.